
Dr. Paul Nelson de la Cerda

Over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneurial leader and higher education professional, he plays an integral role in the strategic planning and partnerships and development processes to expand, market, and improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in education and organizations. Dr. de la Cerda is a relationship-builder with experience in planning, organizing, and administering credit and non-credit education programs for local and international students, employees, and business owners. He is an energetic team leader who builds teams to meet and exceed organizational missions and goals. As a revenue-growth oriented leader, he uses data and sound fiscal planning to oversee and administer multi-million dollar annual operating budgets and grant programs.

His skill set includes academic administration, DEI, organizational change and leadership, accreditation, institutional effectiveness, program review, learning outcomes & assessment, student success agenda, enrollment management, faculty development, college-level teaching, grant management, diversity training, strategic planning, government relations, philanthropy, social enterprise and impact strategy, and internal and external affairs/communications.

Specialties: California Community Colleges, Student Affairs, Execution and Leadership, Strategic Planning, Organizational Change, Workforce and Economic Development, K-12 Partnerships, Leadership Development, STEAM and Career Technical Education, Grant Development and Administration, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Government Affairs and Public Relations, Private and Public Partnerships, Policy & Finance, Growth and Performance Management, Business Planning, Access to Capital, Lean Operations, Government Contracting, Non-profit Management, New & Sustainable Revenue Development, E-commerce & Web/Online Service and Product Innovation.

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”

― Nelson Mandela